Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TIME TO HURT SOME FEELINGS: do you ever get tired of being "nice" ?? 

Wouldn't you like to have ONE DAY, where you could MERCILESSLY TAUNT deserving folks, withOUT it bothering your conscience ?? 

I wanna' roll up to these obese people, rude old people and the just plain LAZY people, ALL of whom drive the motorized carts at Walmart !! (or somewhere else) I want to intentionally block their path, make 'em fuss and cuss...THEN I'd like to STAND UP outta' my wheelchair, frown and say, "Get yo' ass UP and QUIT BEING SO WORTHLESS !!" 


Guys (NOT us "men") who romantically juggle multiple females usually pick the ones with LOW (or NO) self-esteem, no GOALS and who are SEEMINGLY WEAK-MINDED, to guarantee being the "main ingredient" to a female's "recipe of success" (or HER version of it) ...

Basically, because they have a SMALL PENIS and they figure that if they have MULTIPLE FEMALES to "slide it in", at least ONE of them will "stroke" his ego and declare him to be a "god in bed" !! 

So to the females who CHOOSE to BE "one of many", go ahead and *FLUSH* yourself now, since you missed the trash truck today...

Oh, just ONE MORE THING: we MEN do NOT "fear" our exes talking because we don't have anything to HIDE, so LADIES, if you deal with a guy that does THIS, then not only is HE a "phucktard", but YOU are a "phucktard" as well for allowing someone ELSE to LOWER the "value" of YOUR VERY EXISTENCE !!

Just ONE DAY, I'm tellin' ya' !! Oh well, maybe avoiding trouble isn't SO bad...but to just have that ONE DAY would be relieving, wouldn't it ?? LOL...anyway, go have a great day !!

*drops mic*

Class Dismissed !!
Dr. Sugar Ray

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