Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back To Tha' "Old School"...

OHHHH what a weekend !!

As of today, EVERYONE should have a WHOLE LOT to appreciate !! I know that I do !! What can I say...LIFE IS GOOD !!

Despite bein' able to find tha' "silver lining" on jus' about ANY cloud, I'm gonna' speak on somethin' that have me a bit VEXED to say tha' very LEAST !! As only Dr. Sugar Ray can, I'm gonna' apply some common sense and sarcasm in an effort to "medicate" several contagious "illnesses" that had me a lil' bit worried from over tha' weekend:

* BAD ASS KIDS and tha' parents who either don't WANNA' discipline 'em or didn't know HOW to discipline 'em !!

* FEMALES WITH NO SELF-ESTEEM who think that if they are as skinny as a f-ckin' pole, somethin' must be WRONG with 'em !!


Allow Dr. Sugar Ray to come out and put my "medicine" out there like it NEEDS to be put out there cause' apparently, there are SOME elements of our society that either got it TWISTED or jus' ain't got it AT ALL !!

I'm sendin' this one out with my infamous "K.I.S.S." in "Keep It Simple Suga'.."

I was raised up "old school"....and lookin' at tha' results of MY upbringin' versus tha' "new school" bullsh-t that these "so-called parents" are stressin' themselves to death about, I'll stick to my "old school" !!! But to be fair, I'll present and weigh-out BOTH..

Are ya' ready ?? Get ya' notebooks out dammit !! I'm droppin' some "Sugar Rayisms" fo' dat ass today !!


Old School: If you acted up in public, that was yo' ass !! You got beat right there, beat on the way home and beat when you got home...then got grounded !!

A "time out" ??? SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT !!

Hell, the only "time out" that you got in the 'old school' is getting 'time out' to think ‘bout that ass-whoopin' comin' your way or if you were in a two-parent household, THOSE ass-whoopins comin' your way…one from Mom right then and there, plus the one from Dad once he got home from work, already pissed-off from Mom's phone call to him about you while he was on his lunch break !!
New School: If you act up THESE days, yeah Mom might beat yo' ass ( if you're in WALMART !! ) but then someone steps in with a threat to call Child Protective Services, prompting mom to take your bad ass home and put you in time-out... tha’ meantime, tha’ "time-out" serves as tha’ perfect opportunity for Lil' Jimmy to call tha’ cops because he's finally learned how to get out of trouble: just say "my mommy hit me" and he gets to go on a field-trip to anotha' house with anotha' family, only to regret his actions when he's older, realizin' that his impetuous and rash emotional behavior was enabled by a system of over-protective, hyper-sensitive people who are tryin' to compensate for somethin' that was f-cked-up in their own lives at some point, with a lil' dose of someone "real" to throw a monkey-wrench in tha' whole thought process..'re probably readin' this and are just as confused as Lil' Jimmy was...

I say just take it back to the "old school”...LOL !!


Old School: Plastic surgery was totally a "NO, NO" !! Being "au naturale" was the pinnacle of beauty ( it still is !! )!! A woman with curves was dangerous alluring, dangerously sexy and OH MY GOD, so much FUN !! ( ..did I just say that out loud ?? ) Men appreciated and truly loved the complete beauty of a good woman, from the inside out, exactly as she was !!

New School: If you DON’T get plastic surgery to alter something, it's like, "What tha' f-ck is wrong with you ?"

Breast implants, ass implants, chin scrapes, tummy tucks, liposuction, BOTOX, surgical hair implantation, cheek lifts.....what's next folks ?? I mean damn...ya’ gotta' have a file cabinet just to keep up with the warranties of all these "alterations", just in case somethin' goes awry..

If you ask me, it's just not worth it…


I like women that I can associate with the Blue Ridge Parkway:
- Breath-takin' when you get a good, complete look at ‘em...
- Having natural "take-your-time" curves, hills and mountains to climb and enjoy...
- Can have me worked-out and totally relaxed after a nice long ride...
- Somethin' that I want to experience repeatedly and on a continually regular basis...
- Makes a brotha' wanna' take a lotta’ pictures…to reminisce over...* wink *

Oh THAT sh-t I DID say out loud !! And now that you're awake, I'm gonna' shift into "cruise control" and handle tha' rest of my day !! I hope that all of you are able to get this week off with a positive * POP * to it !!

As for me, I'm just gonna' focus on handlin' tha' rest of this week like I handle my life..
..with a K.I.S.S.

Keep It Simple Suga'... * wink *

Class Dismissed !!
Sugar Ray D.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 1998-2008 "I Got JOKES" Commentaries by Dr. Sugar Ray/Sugar Ray D.

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